all postcodes in CT9 / MARGATE

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Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT9 4DJ 23 0 51.376455 1.384624
CT9 4DL 27 0 51.376661 1.383719
CT9 4DN 25 0 51.377472 1.383032
CT9 4DP 27 0 51.373904 1.386361
CT9 4DS 9 0 51.374041 1.387521
CT9 4DT 5 0 51.372603 1.393063
CT9 4DU 10 0 51.366194 1.394788
CT9 4DX 2 0 51.366165 1.396996
CT9 4DY 16 2 51.364861 1.394816
CT9 4DZ 45 1 51.365481 1.39301
CT9 4EA 39 0 51.364046 1.393177
CT9 4EB 34 0 51.364128 1.392178
CT9 4EE 11 0 51.363074 1.392876
CT9 4EG 1 0 51.362406 1.392007
CT9 4EH 22 0 51.364415 1.394081
CT9 4EJ 3 0 51.366396 1.394027
CT9 4EL 8 0 51.370858 1.390275
CT9 4EN 9 0 51.371699 1.389202
CT9 4EP 27 0 51.372234 1.387805
CT9 4EQ 6 0 51.363716 1.394001