all postcodes in CV1 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV1 1QY 1 1 52.381624 -1.460987
CV1 1YT 1 1 52.381624 -1.460987
CV1 1YX 1 1 52.381624 -1.460987
CV1 1ZJ 1 1 52.381624 -1.460987
CV1 1WX 1 1 52.381624 -1.460987
CV1 1ZA 0 52.381624 -1.460987
CV1 1LA 95 0 52.407084 -1.510568
CV1 1NA 1 52.408764 -1.510329
CV1 1FN 1 1 52.410249 -1.51068
CV1 1NB 2 0 52.408649 -1.511145
CV1 1AH 79 0 52.410296 -1.509392