all postcodes in CV1 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV1 5DY 16 11 52.407458 -1.496746
CV1 5DZ 63 21 52.408112 -1.494392
CV1 5EA 47 24 52.407862 -1.494507
CV1 5ED 53 6 52.407489 -1.493856
CV1 5EH 37 0 52.408904 -1.494333
CV1 5EJ 1 0 52.409465 -1.495238
CV1 5EL 1 0 52.409708 -1.495397
CV1 5EP 3 0 52.408844 -1.507785
CV1 5EX 10 2 52.408801 -1.508285
CV1 5FB 1 1 52.405314 -1.500063
CV1 5FE 42 0 52.415234 -1.498731
CV1 5FF 30 0 52.414593 -1.498223
CV1 5FG 32 0 52.415309 -1.497451
CV1 5FH 18 0 52.414703 -1.496605
CV1 5FJ 1 1 52.40862 -1.505891
CV1 5FX 3 2 52.412353 -1.506635
CV1 5FY 1 0 52.412229 -1.506821
CV1 5FZ 47 2 52.413668 -1.504717
CV1 5GA 1 1 52.409994 -1.505494
CV1 5GD 4 0 52.414816 -1.5