all postcodes in CV13 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV13 6BH 2 0 52.563283 -1.480426
CV13 6BJ 8 0 52.574686 -1.463159
CV13 6BL 8 4 52.57797 -1.442356
CV13 6BN 3 0 52.579979 -1.456536
CV13 6BP 5 0 52.56447 -1.46226
CV13 6BQ 52 0 52.567428 -1.486597
CV13 6BS 11 0 52.56868 -1.4831
CV13 6BT 4 0 52.568634 -1.486937
CV13 6BU 5 0 52.565517 -1.483438
CV13 6BW 1 0 52.574207 -1.448699
CV13 6BX 3 0 52.569406 -1.482487
CV13 6BY 7 0 52.593029 -1.432889
CV13 6BZ 6 1 52.597545 -1.43159
CV13 6DA 9 1 52.599188 -1.434891
CV13 6DB 1 0 52.596764 -1.437535
CV13 6DD 1 0 52.602819 -1.448089
CV13 6DH 7 0 52.586315 -1.414717
CV13 6DJ 8 2 52.597187 -1.419105
CV13 6DL 7 0 52.600239 -1.431053
CV13 6DP 8 0 52.601502 -1.424585