all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 1LL 12 0 52.442448 -1.472235
CV2 1LN 19 0 52.440879 -1.473137
CV2 1LP 31 6 52.435197 -1.472998
CV2 1LQ 15 1 52.435709 -1.472978
CV2 1LR 24 0 52.436106 -1.473326
CV2 1LS 12 9 52.436635 -1.47304
CV2 1LT 44 0 52.436959 -1.472992
CV2 1LU 46 0 52.436345 -1.472352
CV2 1LW 48 0 52.436345 -1.472352
CV2 1LX 6 5 52.436104 -1.472899
CV2 1LY 10 9 52.436955 -1.47222
CV2 1LZ 30 0 52.437061 -1.471777
CV2 1NA 30 0 52.437061 -1.471777
CV2 1NB 5 3 52.436636 -1.471326
CV2 1ND 49 0 52.435952 -1.47093
CV2 1NE 35 0 52.436616 -1.470628
CV2 1NF 42 0 52.436749 -1.470214
CV2 1NG 52 0 52.437694 -1.470571
CV2 1NH 20 0 52.45084 -1.470972
CV2 1NJ 32 0 52.451226 -1.471012