all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 3BA 0 52.423625 -1.451034
CV2 3BB 0 52.424689 -1.451609
CV2 3BD 0 52.424897 -1.451959
CV2 3BE 0 52.425402 -1.45038
CV2 3BG 0 52.425014 -1.449884
CV2 3BH 0 52.424054 -1.450367
CV2 3BJ 0 52.423853 -1.449752
CV2 3BL 0 52.424257 -1.449467
CV2 3BN 0 52.423517 -1.449021
CV2 3BP 0 52.422378 -1.451505
CV2 3BQ 1 52.422137 -1.449935
CV2 3BS 1 52.416272 -1.464931
CV2 3BT 1 52.418234 -1.465437
CV2 3BU 0 52.41781 -1.464957
CV2 3BW 0 52.416849 -1.463263
CV2 3BX 1 52.417039 -1.463569
CV2 3BY 0 52.418221 -1.460526
CV2 3BZ 0 52.418662 -1.458565
CV2 3DA 0 52.419326 -1.460292
CV2 3DB 0 52.418674 -1.461285