all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 4BB 1 52.411216 -1.482208
CV2 4BE 6 52.411478 -1.478653
CV2 4BG 2 52.411386 -1.476031
CV2 4BJ 1 52.41113 -1.47305
CV2 4BL 17 52.411114 -1.473506
CV2 4BN 2 52.410991 -1.476139
CV2 4BP 0 52.410972 -1.477815
CV2 4BQ 0 52.410441 -1.477718
CV2 4BS 0 52.410327 -1.478337
CV2 4BT 3 52.409834 -1.478784
CV2 4BU 0 52.409185 -1.478621
CV2 4BW 0 52.408638 -1.478636
CV2 4BX 0 52.407908 -1.478204
CV2 4BY 0 52.408545 -1.477961
CV2 4BZ 0 52.409874 -1.477666
CV2 4DA 0 52.409018 -1.477132
CV2 4DB 0 52.408831 -1.477473
CV2 4DD 0 52.408206 -1.476627
CV2 4DE 0 52.40791 -1.476646
CV2 4DF 0 52.406918 -1.47801