all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 4DR 7 0 52.357025 -1.202975
CV21 4DS 23 0 52.356991 -1.201933
CV21 4DT 41 0 52.356966 -1.200891
CV21 4DU 46 0 52.357813 -1.209098
CV21 4DX 14 0 52.357226 -1.208742
CV21 4DY 22 0 52.35614 -1.203666
CV21 4DZ 16 0 52.356705 -1.20348
CV21 4EA 4 0 52.358944 -1.219739
CV21 4EB 6 0 52.35812 -1.221766
CV21 4ED 9 0 52.357466 -1.220558
CV21 4EE 30 5 52.358121 -1.22043
CV21 4EF 37 0 52.357723 -1.220099
CV21 4EG 41 10 52.358659 -1.220096
CV21 4EH 2 1 52.359111 -1.223335
CV21 4EN 43 0 52.360423 -1.220432
CV21 4EP 38 0 52.359558 -1.22008
CV21 4EQ 6 0 52.358364 -1.217591
CV21 4ER 1 0 52.360484 -1.217406
CV21 4ES 20 0 52.359091 -1.216065
CV21 4ET 23 0 52.358748 -1.214485