all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 3PG 6 0 52.372858 -1.248565
CV21 3PH 11 9 52.373029 -1.261386
CV21 3PL 1 1 52.373034 -1.260769
CV21 3PN 1 1 52.373069 -1.260518
CV21 3PQ 5 0 52.373319 -1.247499
CV21 3PT 42 14 52.372617 -1.260276
CV21 3PU 71 16 52.372492 -1.258971
CV21 3PX 1 1 52.371935 -1.257526
CV21 3PY 34 24 52.372191 -1.256817
CV21 3PZ 1 0 52.371809 -1.25732
CV21 3QE 3 3 52.371784 -1.254929
CV21 3QF 54 3 52.371909 -1.252062
CV21 3QG 14 0 52.371946 -1.25356
CV21 3QH 8 1 52.372397 -1.250937
CV21 3QJ 18 6 52.372442 -1.249585
CV21 3QL 7 0 52.372146 -1.249722
CV21 3QN 21 0 52.372593 -1.247805
CV21 3QP 7 7 52.371643 -1.245323
CV21 3QQ 6 1 52.37235 -1.252069
CV21 3QT 2 0 52.372944 -1.243642