all postcodes in CV22 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV22 6BD 52 0 52.364407 -1.272718
CV22 6BE 43 0 52.363678 -1.269807
CV22 6BG 54 0 52.364306 -1.268064
CV22 6BH 20 0 52.364408 -1.269971
CV22 6BJ 8 0 52.364578 -1.272803
CV22 6BL 52 0 52.365301 -1.274965
CV22 6BQ 44 0 52.364849 -1.271506
CV22 6BT 15 0 52.36569 -1.263606
CV22 6BU 14 0 52.365399 -1.264506
CV22 6BY 23 0 52.365032 -1.263352
CV22 6DA 29 0 52.360115 -1.278016
CV22 6DD 64 0 52.361604 -1.277566
CV22 6DE 28 0 52.360923 -1.279266
CV22 6DF 57 0 52.363111 -1.279968
CV22 6DG 35 0 52.364484 -1.279457
CV22 6DH 56 0 52.365222 -1.279622
CV22 6DJ 11 0 52.364795 -1.281905
CV22 6DL 14 0 52.364329 -1.277727
CV22 6DN 20 0 52.367047 -1.266388
CV22 6DP 9 0 52.363846 -1.279585