all postcodes in CV22 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV22 5DQ 8 0 52.369729 -1.257064
CV22 5DR 3 0 52.368176 -1.261435
CV22 5DS 1 1 52.367462 -1.260977
CV22 5DT 1 1 52.368093 -1.259791
CV22 5DU 5 0 52.367439 -1.260037
CV22 5DW 8 5 52.369431 -1.260944
CV22 5DX 1 1 52.366146 -1.260397
CV22 5DY 1 0 52.365492 -1.260775
CV22 5DZ 4 1 52.366884 -1.260666
CV22 5EA 18 1 52.367175 -1.261234
CV22 5EB 29 0 52.366047 -1.261764
CV22 5EH 1 1 52.370398 -1.263204
CV22 5EJ 12 2 52.370847 -1.263153
CV22 5EL 3 1 52.367042 -1.262866
CV22 5EP 21 0 52.356119 -1.240288
CV22 5EQ 1 1 52.370398 -1.263204
CV22 5ER 19 0 52.357071 -1.235999
CV22 5ES 41 0 52.35798 -1.230491
CV22 5ET 29 3 52.357874 -1.228085
CV22 5EU 2 0 52.358691 -1.225075