all postcodes in CV3 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV3 4BE 29 0 52.385778 -1.479229
CV3 4BG 28 1 52.386831 -1.481376
CV3 4BH 28 0 52.386301 -1.481471
CV3 4BJ 43 3 52.387729 -1.485245
CV3 4BL 3 0 52.386848 -1.483169
CV3 4BN 3 0 52.388559 -1.488145
CV3 4BP 26 1 52.388945 -1.485804
CV3 4BQ 28 0 52.38848 -1.484281
CV3 4BS 38 0 52.388092 -1.484036
CV3 4BT 28 0 52.387957 -1.481921
CV3 4BU 36 0 52.387524 -1.481545
CV3 4BW 42 0 52.390005 -1.483661
CV3 4BX 22 0 52.389356 -1.481112
CV3 4BZ 29 4 52.38791 -1.479453
CV3 4DA 2 2 52.385756 -1.476281
CV3 4DB 54 0 52.384583 -1.479199
CV3 4DD 37 0 52.384758 -1.480328
CV3 4DE 57 1 52.385194 -1.483408
CV3 4DF 32 0 52.385354 -1.482819
CV3 4DG 45 0 52.385445 -1.481172