all postcodes in CV3 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV3 6DH 27 0 52.386587 -1.52825
CV3 6DJ 32 0 52.386273 -1.526285
CV3 6DL 38 0 52.385949 -1.526112
CV3 6DN 16 0 52.385084 -1.527928
CV3 6DP 39 0 52.381945 -1.529784
CV3 6DQ 40 0 52.380227 -1.531932
CV3 6DR 35 0 52.3785 -1.53408
CV3 6DS 32 0 52.378373 -1.533568
CV3 6DT 31 1 52.380046 -1.531479
CV3 6DU 8 0 52.380114 -1.530552
CV3 6DW 10 1 52.380605 -1.529857
CV3 6DX 14 0 52.381142 -1.529043
CV3 6DY 31 0 52.381736 -1.529389
CV3 6DZ 14 0 52.381839 -1.528198
CV3 6EA 27 4 52.382242 -1.527591
CV3 6EB 38 0 52.381869 -1.526464
CV3 6ED 12 0 52.381116 -1.524797
CV3 6EE 15 0 52.38087 -1.524154
CV3 6EF 47 1 52.379414 -1.524184
CV3 6EG 6 1 52.376427 -1.521381