all postcodes in CV31 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV31 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV31 9SW 1 1 52.289516 -1.543444
CV31 9SX 1 1 52.289516 -1.543444
CV31 9SY 1 1 52.289516 -1.543444
CV31 9SZ 1 1 52.289516 -1.543444
CV31 9BF 0 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9BP 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9BZ 1 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9DU 1 52.286494 -1.532455
CV31 9EA 1 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9EG 1 0 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9EW 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9EY 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9FQ 1 0 52.286494 -1.532455
CV31 9FS 1 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9FZ 1 0 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9GB 1 52.286494 -1.532455
CV31 9GT 1 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9GU 1 0 52.286494 -1.532455
CV31 9HU 1 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV31 9JU 1 1 52.286494 -1.532455