all postcodes in CV31 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV31 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV31 1DS 4 0 52.285521 -1.517904
CV31 1DT 27 0 52.286291 -1.519893
CV31 1DU 12 0 52.286438 -1.520874
CV31 1DW 46 2 52.285747 -1.518785
CV31 1DX 19 0 52.285975 -1.519794
CV31 1DY 10 0 52.285723 -1.519503
CV31 1DZ 20 0 52.286149 -1.520437
CV31 1EE 21 4 52.285282 -1.532097
CV31 1EF 4 2 52.285752 -1.532766
CV31 1EG 13 0 52.285334 -1.531657
CV31 1EH 53 3 52.28499 -1.531972
CV31 1EJ 10 1 52.285022 -1.530784
CV31 1EN 12 0 52.28597 -1.531005
CV31 1EP 24 0 52.28478 -1.530314
CV31 1ER 24 1 52.285422 -1.531289
CV31 1ES 8 1 52.286215 -1.530244
CV31 1ET 29 5 52.285479 -1.530545
CV31 1EW 4 0 52.285529 -1.530892
CV31 1EX 9 0 52.284899 -1.529378
CV31 1EY 6 0 52.28552 -1.52729