all postcodes in CV35 / WARWICK

find any address or company within the CV35 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV35 0EQ 16 2 52.173101 -1.494089
CV35 0ER 2 0 52.182901 -1.467403
CV35 0ES 3 0 52.185394 -1.467559
CV35 0ET 12 1 52.18293 -1.469227
CV35 0EU 2 0 52.183585 -1.469588
CV35 0EW 18 0 52.182484 -1.470183
CV35 0EY 13 0 52.182412 -1.468019
CV35 0EZ 14 0 52.183306 -1.466882
CV35 0HA 3 2 52.183638 -1.465522
CV35 0HB 35 0 52.184165 -1.470075
CV35 0HD 3 0 52.186399 -1.468922
CV35 0HE 1 0 52.192161 -1.464933
CV35 0HF 5 1 52.186803 -1.458971
CV35 0HG 15 0 52.182313 -1.463984
CV35 0HH 4 0 52.170726 -1.464386
CV35 0HJ 6 0 52.183258 -1.472177
CV35 0HL 1 0 52.194189 -1.475925
CV35 0HN 28 2 52.157015 -1.512028
CV35 0HW 14 2 52.156905 -1.5158
CV35 0HP 12 1 52.156002 -1.511443