all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

find any address or company within the CV37 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 7NS 3 0 52.14981 -1.629933
CV37 7NT 3 0 52.150921 -1.620117
CV37 7NU 11 0 52.140944 -1.612516
CV37 7NW 6 0 52.163896 -1.649816
CV37 7NX 2 0 52.13986 -1.622067
CV37 7NY 11 0 52.164122 -1.650297
CV37 7NZ 3 1 52.133706 -1.600105
CV37 7PA 8 0 52.138988 -1.584552
CV37 7PB 2 0 52.133255 -1.591971
CV37 7PD 6 0 52.12802 -1.600284
CV37 7PE 30 1 52.114323 -1.588607
CV37 7PG 2 0 52.119449 -1.608937
CV37 7PH 3 0 52.114759 -1.619577
CV37 7PJ 1 0 52.127316 -1.61034
CV37 7PN 14 3 52.151023 -1.607196
CV37 7SH 13 0 52.139939 -1.610537
CV37 7QA 3 0 52.202504 -1.669617
CV37 7QB 2 0 52.202692 -1.667162
CV37 7QD 10 0 52.204302 -1.6664
CV37 7QF 2 0 52.20596 -1.665572