all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

find any address or company within the CV37 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 9NB 2 52.197746 -1.722754
CV37 9ND 0 52.195993 -1.720857
CV37 9NE 0 52.197166 -1.722927
CV37 9NF 10 52.198116 -1.723424
CV37 9NG 0 52.195182 -1.720042
CV37 9NJ 1 52.200261 -1.723771
CV37 9NL 1 52.199169 -1.725811
CV37 9NQ 22 52.200936 -1.725763
CV37 9NT 1 52.196197 -1.719787
CV37 9NU 1 52.196014 -1.718677
CV37 9NX 0 52.198162 -1.725774
CV37 9NZ 1 52.198739 -1.726355
CV37 9PA 0 52.199084 -1.728138
CV37 9PB 2 52.198474 -1.728464
CV37 9PD 0 52.198741 -1.72754
CV37 9PE 0 52.198047 -1.726652
CV37 9PF 0 52.197062 -1.724507
CV37 9PG 0 52.196112 -1.729531
CV37 9PH 3 52.196817 -1.727245
CV37 9PJ 0 52.196639 -1.728329