all postcodes in CV47 / SOUTHAM

find any address or company within the CV47 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV47 8LG 0 52.26786 -1.361577
CV47 8LH 0 52.281874 -1.364868
CV47 8LJ 0 52.280169 -1.365464
CV47 8LL 0 52.277707 -1.366976
CV47 8LN 0 52.244242 -1.322825
CV47 8LP 0 52.244585 -1.321531
CV47 8LQ 0 52.26951 -1.360718
CV47 8LR 2 52.243877 -1.321894
CV47 8LS 1 52.244028 -1.320061
CV47 8LT 2 52.244513 -1.318369
CV47 8LU 1 52.24558 -1.31831
CV47 8LW 0 52.244869 -1.322464
CV47 8LX 0 52.245938 -1.319153
CV47 8LY 0 52.246703 -1.320752
CV47 8PB 0 52.246269 -1.322004
CV47 8LZ 0 52.245676 -1.322101
CV47 8NA 1 52.248326 -1.318589
CV47 8NB 0 52.245284 -1.321111
CV47 8ND 0 52.248131 -1.317493
CV47 8NE 0 52.250963 -1.318958