all postcodes in CV47 / SOUTHAM

find any address or company within the CV47 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV47 0JY 0 52.258052 -1.39058
CV47 0JZ 0 52.25946 -1.389857
CV47 0LA 0 52.256064 -1.397331
CV47 0LB 0 52.255655 -1.396443
CV47 0LD 0 52.254767 -1.396895
CV47 0LE 0 52.255378 -1.398615
CV47 0LF 0 52.25613 -1.39796
CV47 0LG 0 52.255722 -1.399094
CV47 0LH 0 52.257006 -1.398696
CV47 0LJ 0 52.25375 -1.396791
CV47 0LL 0 52.253993 -1.394942
CV47 0LN 0 52.254995 -1.395734
CV47 0LP 0 52.255456 -1.394556
CV47 0LQ 0 52.256262 -1.399145
CV47 0LR 0 52.255009 -1.394943
CV47 0LS 0 52.256077 -1.394724
CV47 0LT 0 52.249768 -1.398632
CV47 0LU 0 52.255512 -1.390105
CV47 0LW 0 52.255803 -1.395592
CV47 0LX 0 52.255081 -1.393257