all postcodes in CV5 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV5 6AZ 15 0 52.395719 -1.546332
CV5 6BA 44 0 52.397026 -1.544776
CV5 6BB 34 0 52.397415 -1.545301
CV5 6BD 13 0 52.397256 -1.546213
CV5 6BE 17 0 52.398263 -1.546071
CV5 6BG 14 0 52.398981 -1.54577
CV5 6BH 7 2 52.401259 -1.544526
CV5 6BJ 33 1 52.39507 -1.550586
CV5 6BL 43 2 52.39503 -1.549989
CV5 6BN 1 1 52.398133 -1.549761
CV5 6BP 21 0 52.396196 -1.548811
CV5 6BS 1 1 52.396491 -1.553143
CV5 6BT 1 1 52.39676 -1.555095
CV5 6BU 23 11 52.395983 -1.551826
CV5 6BW 24 0 52.395642 -1.551859
CV5 6BX 26 0 52.397149 -1.54886
CV5 6BY 10 0 52.39024 -1.533634
CV5 6BZ 40 0 52.392099 -1.533041
CV5 6DA 34 0 52.392034 -1.532527
CV5 6DB 31 0 52.391879 -1.532015