all postcodes in CV6 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV6 2BA 31 0 52.431811 -1.536019
CV6 2BB 49 0 52.431 -1.537837
CV6 2BD 40 0 52.430899 -1.537382
CV6 2BE 31 0 52.429195 -1.538517
CV6 2BG 35 0 52.428827 -1.538521
CV6 2BH 20 0 52.42952 -1.536573
CV6 2BJ 33 0 52.430689 -1.536634
CV6 2BL 43 0 52.430538 -1.534782
CV6 2BN 4 0 52.428983 -1.537034
CV6 2BP 28 3 52.430273 -1.531417
CV6 2BQ 22 2 52.430536 -1.531841
CV6 2BS 49 1 52.429092 -1.534959
CV6 2BT 39 2 52.429523 -1.534969
CV6 2BU 41 1 52.428242 -1.538483
CV6 2BW 44 0 52.428573 -1.533376
CV6 2BX 33 0 52.428204 -1.533336
CV6 2BY 18 0 52.428861 -1.533535
CV6 2BZ 14 0 52.427692 -1.531047
CV6 2DA 29 0 52.425853 -1.529993
CV6 2DB 40 0 52.425267 -1.529558