all postcodes in CV6 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV6 7EF 0 52.436988 -1.479552
CV6 7EG 0 52.437493 -1.479944
CV6 7EH 0 52.437791 -1.480175
CV6 7EJ 0 52.436649 -1.482292
CV6 7EL 1 52.436962 -1.481965
CV6 7EN 0 52.435536 -1.4826
CV6 7EP 0 52.433798 -1.481987
CV6 7EQ 1 52.433774 -1.48262
CV6 7ER 0 52.43571 -1.483348
CV6 7ES 0 52.437894 -1.483337
CV6 7ET 4 52.437774 -1.482603
CV6 7EU 3 52.436957 -1.484863
CV6 7EW 0 52.436644 -1.485308
CV6 7EX 0 52.444884 -1.480254
CV6 7EY 0 52.435838 -1.48389
CV6 7EZ 0 52.435778 -1.484494
CV6 7FB 0 52.437514 -1.484812
CV6 7FD 0 52.438064 -1.485174
CV6 7FE 0 52.438273 -1.48551
CV6 7FF 0 52.435758 -1.492496