all postcodes in CV6 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV6 1QL 1 1 52.414188 -1.530911
CV6 1QN 6 0 52.417248 -1.522777
CV6 1QQ 19 0 52.419084 -1.527874
CV6 1QT 28 1 52.422594 -1.521925
CV6 1QU 12 0 52.421622 -1.540352
CV6 1BF 0 52.414845 -1.524347
CV6 1PY 0 52.414371 -1.524925
CV6 1PZ 0 52.414403 -1.523969
CV6 1QE 22 0 52.41871 -1.540097
CV6 1QW 11 0 52.421682 -1.529891
CV6 1QZ 0 52.42289 -1.528884
CV6 2AA 25 7 52.422232 -1.534855
CV6 2AB 4 0 52.422979 -1.535185
CV6 2AD 43 7 52.422199 -1.535752
CV6 2AE 24 1 52.424113 -1.537659
CV6 2AF 33 0 52.426106 -1.53927
CV6 2AG 22 0 52.428474 -1.540319
CV6 2AH 7 1 52.429685 -1.542312
CV6 2AJ 5 1 52.430571 -1.543092
CV6 2AL 20 0 52.431217 -1.540526