all postcodes in CV7 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV7 8DD 36 0 52.483487 -1.574807
CV7 8DE 4 0 52.482208 -1.561744
CV7 8DF 23 0 52.486539 -1.568549
CV7 8DG 3 0 52.491696 -1.567629
CV7 8DH 5 0 52.493941 -1.576813
CV7 8DJ 14 0 52.495872 -1.583806
CV7 8DL 34 1 52.488412 -1.572337
CV7 8DN 1 0 52.485349 -1.580017
CV7 8DP 10 0 52.482293 -1.590589
CV7 8DQ 4 0 52.481551 -1.594233
CV7 8DR 2 0 52.478925 -1.5974
CV7 8EN 7 0 52.477586 -1.63576
CV7 8DS 12 0 52.479206 -1.603302
CV7 8DT 10 2 52.474499 -1.61753
CV7 8DU 4 0 52.47131 -1.621061
CV7 8PH 3 0 52.473884 -1.62179
CV7 8DW 8 0 52.471391 -1.612787
CV7 8DX 12 1 52.465953 -1.607536
CV7 8DY 23 1 52.484696 -1.588623
CV7 8DZ 13 1 52.490368 -1.594115