all postcodes in CV8 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV8 3AZ 14 13 52.368199 -1.488747
CV8 3BA 12 2 52.3606 -1.494444
CV8 3BB 12 5 52.355981 -1.48691
CV8 3BD 18 0 52.348787 -1.469886
CV8 3BW 26 2 52.350598 -1.468763
CV8 3BE 12 0 52.349634 -1.472284
CV8 3BG 2 1 52.350992 -1.454728
CV8 3BH 11 0 52.34857 -1.465646
CV8 3BJ 12 0 52.340548 -1.457185
CV8 3BL 4 1 52.346522 -1.468391
CV8 3BN 11 1 52.339091 -1.47486
CV8 3BP 8 0 52.342434 -1.477027
CV8 3BQ 2 0 52.344507 -1.477879
CV8 3BS 8 1 52.348494 -1.482779
CV8 3BT 17 0 52.348577 -1.477527
CV8 3BU 12 0 52.350814 -1.469118
CV8 3BX 28 0 52.350763 -1.467411
CV8 3BY 2 0 52.352217 -1.513014
CV8 3BZ 11 0 52.352316 -1.514917
CV8 3DA 15 0 52.352041 -1.516157