all postcodes in CV9 / ATHERSTONE

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV9 1EU 1 1 52.578489 -1.542368
CV9 1EW 6 0 52.575182 -1.542689
CV9 1EX 3 2 52.577886 -1.546742
CV9 1EY 8 1 52.578251 -1.545853
CV9 1HA 22 10 52.578057 -1.547012
CV9 1HD 15 0 52.579183 -1.547378
CV9 1HG 32 0 52.579537 -1.548408
CV9 1HH 4 1 52.580079 -1.546705
CV9 1HJ 4 0 52.579217 -1.546832
CV9 1HL 4 0 52.579754 -1.546399
CV9 1HN 31 0 52.57896 -1.543343
CV9 1HP 53 0 52.579834 -1.54383
CV9 1HQ 56 0 52.580007 -1.549052
CV9 1HR 20 0 52.579595 -1.544733
CV9 1HU 3 3 52.575787 -1.531969
CV9 1HW 18 0 52.578789 -1.545449
CV9 1HY 2 2 52.581206 -1.535846
CV9 1JA 5 4 52.580621 -1.535829
CV9 1JD 1 1 52.57924 -1.534214
CV9 1JE 12 11 52.578588 -1.535372