all postcodes in CV9 / ATHERSTONE

find any address or company within the CV9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV9 2BD 54 0 52.57531 -1.55034
CV9 2BE 24 0 52.573737 -1.552614
CV9 2BG 19 0 52.586259 -1.605695
CV9 2BH 28 0 52.587111 -1.605141
CV9 2BJ 4 0 52.584449 -1.59943
CV9 2BL 5 0 52.584735 -1.598934
CV9 2BN 2 0 52.584169 -1.59899
CV9 2BP 6 0 52.584087 -1.598548
CV9 2BQ 24 0 52.585088 -1.602208
CV9 2BS 17 1 52.583121 -1.597311
CV9 2BT 14 1 52.582429 -1.597612
CV9 2BU 18 0 52.582452 -1.596373
CV9 2BW 3 0 52.583151 -1.598468
CV9 2BX 6 0 52.581368 -1.594671
CV9 2BY 1 0 52.580336 -1.597882
CV9 2BZ 52 0 52.579045 -1.59906
CV9 2DA 68 0 52.577712 -1.598231
CV9 2DB 14 0 52.577942 -1.597048
CV9 2DD 27 0 52.5799 -1.599229
CV9 2DE 44 0 52.57957 -1.599956