all postcodes in CW10 / MIDDLEWICH

find any address or company within the CW10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW10 9RF 5 0 53.195387 -2.44547
CW10 9SA 12 0 53.194851 -2.453455
CW10 9PD 12 0 53.189371 -2.441352
CW10 9PR 2 0 53.188418 -2.443811
CW10 9QR 12 0 53.199865 -2.442567
CW10 9LZ 1 1 53.199909 -2.444662
CW10 9AD 20 0 53.19229 -2.44683
CW10 9NY 0 53.194791 -2.441258
CW10 9NU 0 53.193838 -2.441263
CW10 9PW 13 0 53.193697 -2.447922
CW10 9PT 4 0 53.19359 -2.447622
CW10 9NZ 3 0 53.21703 -2.397712
CW10 9PL 25 0 53.198096 -2.44945
CW10 9PU 20 0 53.197469 -2.44877
CW10 9PX 29 0 53.197581 -2.450118
CW10 9NA 2 0 53.228174 -2.397919
CW10 9PY 72 1 53.190826 -2.450629
CW10 9RG 0 53.193389 -2.447977
CW10 9PS 1 0 53.193606 -2.44762
CW10 9QG 30 0 53.195287 -2.440799