all postcodes in CW12 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW12 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW12 4PT 0 53.166153 -2.230894
CW12 4PU 0 53.16623 -2.233228
CW12 4PW 0 53.164871 -2.233774
CW12 4PX 1 53.16894 -2.230805
CW12 4PY 0 53.168136 -2.23273
CW12 4QA 1 53.171815 -2.236176
CW12 4QB 0 53.168841 -2.252958
CW12 4QD 0 53.173214 -2.254554
CW12 4QG 0 53.16989 -2.249868
CW12 4QH 0 53.169626 -2.247069
CW12 4QJ 1 53.170033 -2.245994
CW12 4QL 0 53.168944 -2.246482
CW12 4QN 0 53.167963 -2.247029
CW12 4QP 0 53.169609 -2.242551
CW12 4QQ 0 53.17087 -2.249394
CW12 4QR 0 53.169029 -2.24008
CW12 4QS 0 53.168764 -2.237894
CW12 4QT 0 53.16885 -2.235531
CW12 4QU 0 53.168128 -2.237023
CW12 4QW 0 53.167585 -2.247356