all postcodes in CW2 / CREWE

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW2 8RS 56 0 53.091102 -2.48087
CW2 8RT 19 0 53.093005 -2.479488
CW2 8RU 53 0 53.088653 -2.47296
CW2 8RW 6 0 53.092563 -2.477467
CW2 8RX 35 0 53.090684 -2.477581
CW2 8RY 41 0 53.091942 -2.479909
CW2 8RZ 13 0 53.091552 -2.478531
CW2 8SA 5 0 53.088449 -2.483558
CW2 8SB 4 2 53.092066 -2.489184
CW2 8SD 28 2 53.098427 -2.489988
CW2 8NU 1 0 53.098504 -2.49511
CW2 8SE 2 1 53.10374 -2.485463
CW2 8SF 12 0 53.089038 -2.477772
CW2 8SG 13 0 53.100589 -2.470955
CW2 8SH 35 1 53.100564 -2.472926
CW2 8SJ 12 2 53.099836 -2.474591
CW2 8SL 13 2 53.099839 -2.476562
CW2 8SN 40 0 53.100883 -2.476126
CW2 8SP 40 0 53.101862 -2.476495
CW2 8SQ 16 0 53.100085 -2.471263