all postcodes in CW2 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW2 5QJ 11 0 53.055957 -2.357793
CW2 5QL 1 0 53.060979 -2.370653
CW2 5QN 10 1 53.061425 -2.374044
CW2 5QP 1 0 53.05623 -2.374342
CW2 5QQ 6 0 53.049507 -2.353339
CW2 5QR 13 0 53.068471 -2.41034
CW2 5QS 11 0 53.0534 -2.379584
CW2 5QT 14 0 53.055427 -2.405472
CW2 5QU 13 0 53.054726 -2.405376
CW2 5QW 26 1 53.059059 -2.372277
CW2 5QX 6 0 53.055533 -2.405965
CW2 5QY 7 0 53.05598 -2.406716
CW2 5RA 9 0 53.05563 -2.429554
CW2 5RB 21 0 53.053901 -2.429895
CW2 5RD 9 0 53.056019 -2.428797
CW2 5RE 21 0 53.055976 -2.430408
CW2 5RF 34 0 53.054807 -2.430531
CW2 5RG 8 0 53.055012 -2.428981
CW2 5RH 3 1 53.051159 -2.424945
CW2 5RJ 12 0 53.056503 -2.429086