all postcodes in CW2 / CREWE

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW2 7DJ 21 3 53.091491 -2.440797
CW2 7DL 61 1 53.090809 -2.440536
CW2 7DN 23 3 53.08993 -2.43999
CW2 7DP 19 0 53.089714 -2.439987
CW2 7DQ 11 1 53.092967 -2.440484
CW2 7DR 28 6 53.089236 -2.440132
CW2 7DT 2 2 53.092482 -2.439747
CW2 7DU 10 0 53.092658 -2.440779
CW2 7EA 11 9 53.095334 -2.441539
CW2 7EF 3 2 53.095982 -2.441918
CW2 7EG 8 7 53.096203 -2.442458
CW2 7EH 14 10 53.095622 -2.442034
CW2 7EL 9 1 53.096356 -2.449643
CW2 7EP 28 13 53.093303 -2.441831
CW2 7EZ 22 2 53.092261 -2.441671
CW2 7EW 19 0 53.093728 -2.443254
CW2 7FB 1 0 53.087987 -2.430623
CW2 7HD 76 9 53.090157 -2.441486
CW2 7HH 7 3 53.088649 -2.441305
CW2 7HJ 9 3 53.088891 -2.440965