all postcodes in CW3 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW3 9DQ 3 1 53.017724 -2.352647
CW3 9DT 21 0 52.997037 -2.337907
CW3 9DU 1 0 52.998006 -2.338823
CW3 9DX 33 6 53.000061 -2.339808
CW3 9DY 2 0 53.001543 -2.339879
CW3 9DZ 1 1 53.001642 -2.340372
CW3 9EA 24 6 53.001447 -2.339461
CW3 9EB 1 0 53.001796 -2.34003
CW3 9ED 38 0 53.001014 -2.34293
CW3 9EE 3 0 53.00082 -2.34494
CW3 9EF 8 0 53.001395 -2.344914
CW3 9EG 14 0 53.000898 -2.345968
CW3 9EH 16 0 53.001834 -2.342355
CW3 9EL 41 0 53.001774 -2.34754
CW3 9EN 21 0 53.00191 -2.347184
CW3 9EP 12 0 53.002829 -2.346401
CW3 9EQ 22 0 53.000571 -2.346845
CW3 9ER 10 0 53.002508 -2.345579
CW3 9ES 13 0 53.001544 -2.346093
CW3 9ET 24 0 53.001495 -2.344543