all postcodes in CW4 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW4 7DR 0 53.199236 -2.365752
CW4 7DS 0 53.20031 -2.367154
CW4 7DT 1 53.201137 -2.364406
CW4 7DU 0 53.201037 -2.367759
CW4 7DW 0 53.198299 -2.36055
CW4 7DX 1 53.197843 -2.368495
CW4 7DY 0 53.201375 -2.36592
CW4 7DZ 1 53.196907 -2.369041
CW4 7EA 3 53.202481 -2.359341
CW4 7EB 1 53.202142 -2.361885
CW4 7EE 0 53.203314 -2.360727
CW4 7EF 0 53.203794 -2.359683
CW4 7EG 0 53.20313 -2.362387
CW4 7EH 0 53.20191 -2.364428
CW4 7EJ 0 53.202614 -2.3662
CW4 7EL 0 53.203258 -2.364394
CW4 7EN 0 53.202379 -2.363998
CW4 7EP 0 53.203354 -2.365473
CW4 7ER 0 53.201929 -2.366868
CW4 7ES 2 53.202006 -2.374115