all postcodes in CW5 / NANTWICH

find any address or company within the CW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW5 6DQ 1 1 53.099154 -2.50962
CW5 6DR 6 0 53.105592 -2.525604
CW5 6DS 19 0 53.10857 -2.529061
CW5 6DT 7 0 53.11206 -2.518005
CW5 6DU 18 1 53.118254 -2.511744
CW5 6DW 22 0 53.109332 -2.515208
CW5 6DX 16 1 53.132746 -2.515951
CW5 6DY 26 1 53.14021 -2.501988
CW5 6DZ 4 0 53.140943 -2.501414
CW5 6EA 34 0 53.145352 -2.502572
CW5 6ED 74 1 53.153874 -2.508728
CW5 6EB 19 0 53.144372 -2.502411
CW5 6EE 9 1 53.145933 -2.526157
CW5 6EF 7 1 53.134959 -2.525798
CW5 6EG 20 0 53.14038 -2.502678
CW5 6EH 5 0 53.13829 -2.536751
CW5 6EL 3 1 53.085819 -2.535068
CW5 6EP 47 0 53.070946 -2.513361
CW5 6ER 9 0 53.071051 -2.512064
CW5 6ES 14 0 53.071858 -2.510805