all postcodes in CW5 / NANTWICH

find any address or company within the CW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW5 5LG 12 0 53.069298 -2.520595
CW5 5LH 18 0 53.064163 -2.532979
CW5 5LJ 11 7 53.068541 -2.521004
CW5 5LL 12 10 53.068267 -2.522165
CW5 5LN 10 10 53.068117 -2.523446
CW5 5LP 1 1 53.068212 -2.522373
CW5 5LQ 15 0 53.069515 -2.519926
CW5 5LR 4 3 53.068445 -2.522555
CW5 5LS 20 2 53.069562 -2.523568
CW5 5LT 16 0 53.070986 -2.523197
CW5 5LU 24 0 53.070515 -2.521804
CW5 5LX 11 2 53.069988 -2.523096
CW5 5LY 2 2 53.068915 -2.519545
CW5 5LZ 28 2 53.069171 -2.516683
CW5 5NA 22 16 53.068735 -2.521528
CW5 5NB 12 0 53.068741 -2.516484
CW5 5ND 14 1 53.069258 -2.515296
CW5 5NF 8 6 53.069059 -2.519876
CW5 5NJ 18 0 53.070684 -2.520298
CW5 5NL 12 0 53.071341 -2.519993