all postcodes in CW6 / TARPORLEY

find any address or company within the CW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW6 9GY 0 53.126897 -2.613333
CW6 9QW 4 0 53.114987 -2.652562
CW6 9WD 1 1 53.158773 -2.668241
CW6 9QP 0 53.11437 -2.651626
CW6 9DL 19 17 53.158619 -2.6495
CW6 9QN 6 0 53.112836 -2.654546
CW6 9JF 6 0 53.130764 -2.61865
CW6 9GQ 7 0 53.196731 -2.610678
CW6 9GS 6 0 53.114825 -2.647615
CW6 9GT 5 5 53.117982 -2.598863
CW6 9GU 1 0 53.127037 -2.631748
CW6 9HD 0 53.14995 -2.661136
CW6 9LS 0 53.150399 -2.661232
CW6 9LT 0 53.150293 -2.659212
CW6 9LU 0 53.150449 -2.658676
CW6 9LW 0 53.149778 -2.658517
CW6 9GW 11 0 53.13296 -2.669664
CW6 9GX 9 0 53.13266 -2.668673
CW6 9HB 4 0 53.140167 -2.639011
CW6 9YG 18 0 53.155016 -2.668692