all postcodes in CW7 / WINSFORD

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW7 3GH 32 0 53.190893 -2.506038
CW7 3GY 1 1 53.195539 -2.504342
CW7 3GZ 2 2 53.19829 -2.514073
CW7 3HA 30 0 53.192692 -2.505775
CW7 3HB 9 0 53.194296 -2.506946
CW7 3HD 9 0 53.194221 -2.507769
CW7 3HE 18 0 53.193757 -2.508916
CW7 3HF 32 0 53.192623 -2.507286
CW7 3HG 45 0 53.190408 -2.499567
CW7 3HH 1 1 53.192983 -2.508695
CW7 3HJ 18 0 53.189771 -2.4992
CW7 3HL 13 0 53.188654 -2.506221
CW7 3HN 2 2 53.195444 -2.502722
CW7 3HP 7 1 53.195983 -2.503464
CW7 3HQ 3 0 53.190196 -2.498696
CW7 3HR 16 0 53.196147 -2.502807
CW7 3HS 48 1 53.196735 -2.501946
CW7 3HT 49 0 53.19852 -2.50291
CW7 3HU 13 0 53.198824 -2.503198
CW7 3HX 50 0 53.200124 -2.504171