all postcodes in CW7 / WINSFORD

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW7 4AA 26 3 53.191285 -2.519438
CW7 4AB 38 0 53.184854 -2.528459
CW7 4AE 56 1 53.190177 -2.521909
CW7 4AF 6 0 53.190891 -2.521169
CW7 4AG 23 0 53.190532 -2.51889
CW7 4AH 4 0 53.19158 -2.519801
CW7 4AJ 55 3 53.189944 -2.521757
CW7 4AL 2 0 53.18991 -2.522773
CW7 4AN 33 1 53.188393 -2.52289
CW7 4AP 13 0 53.187704 -2.522328
CW7 4AR 21 0 53.186665 -2.521343
CW7 4AS 18 0 53.187198 -2.520825
CW7 4AT 34 2 53.186782 -2.523469
CW7 4AU 47 0 53.185023 -2.52689
CW7 4AX 40 1 53.182643 -2.530452
CW7 4AY 15 0 53.184485 -2.528469
CW7 4AZ 25 0 53.185581 -2.526717
CW7 4BA 8 0 53.183476 -2.531061
CW7 4BB 32 0 53.186915 -2.523905
CW7 4BE 1 0 53.188516 -2.523715