all postcodes in CW7 / WINSFORD

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW7 2HG 1 53.195859 -2.537949
CW7 2HH 0 53.194353 -2.542945
CW7 2HJ 0 53.196053 -2.540826
CW7 2HL 0 53.195643 -2.542063
CW7 2HN 0 53.195788 -2.543607
CW7 2HP 0 53.196206 -2.542774
CW7 2HQ 0 53.19642 -2.537028
CW7 2HR 0 53.195805 -2.545927
CW7 2HS 0 53.195647 -2.544967
CW7 2HT 0 53.195212 -2.543944
CW7 2HU 0 53.196111 -2.545871
CW7 2HW 0 53.194728 -2.543608
CW7 2HX 0 53.194893 -2.544748
CW7 2HY 0 53.194822 -2.548609
CW7 2HZ 0 53.194976 -2.548206
CW7 2JA 0 53.195101 -2.546547
CW7 2JB 0 53.19562 -2.546912
CW7 2JD 0 53.195506 -2.550234
CW7 2JE 0 53.194543 -2.54868
CW7 2JF 0 53.194607 -2.546346