all postcodes in CW9 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW9 6BB 7 0 53.292804 -2.532086
CW9 6BD 13 2 53.291303 -2.533898
CW9 6BE 3 0 53.300377 -2.550906
CW9 6BG 35 1 53.293179 -2.534656
CW9 6BH 6 0 53.301874 -2.557633
CW9 6BJ 6 0 53.29863 -2.55549
CW9 6BL 1 0 53.29121 -2.563945
CW9 6BN 2 1 53.289955 -2.562622
CW9 6BP 4 0 53.28901 -2.567261
CW9 6BQ 48 1 53.293427 -2.537495
CW9 6BS 38 1 53.290724 -2.536936
CW9 6BT 5 0 53.292139 -2.535918
CW9 6BU 10 0 53.294648 -2.533819
CW9 6BW 6 0 53.290132 -2.557479
CW9 6BX 18 0 53.294216 -2.533844
CW9 6BY 7 0 53.29404 -2.532912
CW9 6BZ 14 0 53.293854 -2.532474
CW9 6DA 63 16 53.27225 -2.493112
CW9 6DB 3 1 53.269301 -2.49155
CW9 6DE 8 6 53.274917 -2.485015