all postcodes in DA11 / GRAVESEND

find any address or company within the DA11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA11 8EQ 17 0 51.426571 0.337525
DA11 8ER 9 0 51.425402 0.339321
DA11 8ES 16 0 51.427515 0.336609
DA11 8ET 37 0 51.427749 0.335241
DA11 8EU 10 0 51.426892 0.333111
DA11 8EW 23 0 51.426623 0.335327
DA11 8EX 20 0 51.425552 0.334481
DA11 8EY 16 0 51.427075 0.335695
DA11 8EZ 34 0 51.426938 0.332609
DA11 8HA 45 0 51.425931 0.335321
DA11 8HB 10 9 51.434266 0.332235
DA11 8HJ 4 3 51.435047 0.332778
DA11 8HD 6 5 51.43436 0.331132
DA11 8HN 22 19 51.436534 0.333055
DA11 8HH 18 15 51.435196 0.331175
DA11 8HL 21 19 51.435875 0.331367
DA11 8HR 9 0 51.432913 0.337403
DA11 8HS 12 0 51.432275 0.332896
DA11 8HT 4 0 51.432555 0.332824
DA11 8HU 61 0 51.432711 0.334486