all postcodes in DA11 / GRAVESEND

find any address or company within the DA11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA11 0LR 23 3 51.434245 0.361169
DA11 0LS 12 1 51.434896 0.358727
DA11 0LT 20 1 51.435224 0.357621
DA11 0LU 44 1 51.435694 0.35484
DA11 0LW 41 1 51.433662 0.36334
DA11 0LX 36 0 51.435722 0.360568
DA11 0LY 50 4 51.435871 0.355425
DA11 0LZ 30 2 51.435427 0.358265
DA11 0NA 38 1 51.438056 0.361754
DA11 0NB 14 0 51.437325 0.360062
DA11 0NH 18 10 51.44182 0.369072
DA11 0NP 8 4 51.440879 0.368446
DA11 0NL 2 0 51.442243 0.368575
DA11 0PD 1 1 51.440432 0.367862
DA11 0PH 29 0 51.440124 0.365761
DA11 0PJ 49 0 51.439854 0.366222
DA11 0PL 51 1 51.439188 0.366705
DA11 0PN 28 5 51.438574 0.367205
DA11 0PP 30 1 51.438382 0.365627
DA11 0PQ 18 0 51.438587 0.366155