all postcodes in DA11 / GRAVESEND

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA11 0RB 28 1 51.437347 0.349544
DA11 0RD 23 0 51.437211 0.350918
DA11 0RE 30 0 51.437345 0.351889
DA11 0RF 1 1 51.437581 0.350865
DA11 0RG 31 3 51.436241 0.352696
DA11 0RH 6 0 51.435836 0.353121
DA11 0RQ 14 0 51.436014 0.352353
DA11 0RR 1 0 51.441932 0.366601
DA11 0RS 2 2 51.441564 0.36795
DA11 0RT 6 6 51.441921 0.365795
DA11 0RU 12 4 51.442107 0.365561
DA11 0RW 12 0 51.435404 0.365645
DA11 0RX 1 1 51.441761 0.364895
DA11 0RY 1 0 51.440925 0.364376
DA11 0RZ 14 5 51.440781 0.364845
DA11 0SA 46 0 51.440578 0.366475
DA11 0SB 59 0 51.440347 0.366319
DA11 0SD 31 2 51.440042 0.36446
DA11 0SE 39 1 51.438919 0.363079
DA11 0SF 18 0 51.439024 0.363659