all postcodes in DA12 / GRAVESEND

find any address or company within the DA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA12 2BU 40 0 51.443032 0.375811
DA12 2BW 1 1 51.443755 0.375633
DA12 2BX 49 0 51.443032 0.375811
DA12 2BY 54 0 51.44062 0.377197
DA12 2BZ 51 0 51.440208 0.378024
DA12 2DA 8 0 51.443085 0.375396
DA12 2DB 40 0 51.44291 0.375157
DA12 2DE 38 0 51.443571 0.373623
DA12 2DF 31 0 51.443108 0.372476
DA12 2DG 30 0 51.442783 0.374762
DA12 2DH 17 7 51.442038 0.374767
DA12 2DU 22 6 51.442186 0.370112
DA12 2EB 22 16 51.442449 0.370398
DA12 2EE 36 19 51.442737 0.371321
DA12 2EJ 8 6 51.442991 0.370729
DA12 2EL 1 0 51.444592 0.369863
DA12 2EN 1 1 51.443932 0.369986
DA12 2EP 7 0 51.444133 0.369852
DA12 2EQ 31 6 51.442782 0.370906
DA12 2ER 64 0 51.443774 0.372007