all postcodes in DA13 / GRAVESEND

find any address or company within the DA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA13 0NA 43 0 51.384342 0.359302
DA13 0NB 29 0 51.385234 0.358788
DA13 0ND 33 0 51.385629 0.359728
DA13 0NE 46 0 51.385202 0.360827
DA13 0NF 39 0 51.384603 0.361544
DA13 0NG 20 0 51.384174 0.362743
DA13 0NQ 15 0 51.384808 0.356696
DA13 0NS 8 0 51.368454 0.3636
DA13 0NT 5 0 51.368867 0.362745
DA13 0NU 24 0 51.36816 0.362565
DA13 0NX 34 0 51.367615 0.365066
DA13 0NY 17 0 51.366512 0.364003
DA13 0NZ 7 0 51.367006 0.363167
DA13 0PA 6 0 51.365271 0.36312
DA13 0PE 16 0 51.365794 0.361725
DA13 0PF 28 0 51.365657 0.362264
DA13 0PG 30 0 51.367983 0.361119
DA13 0PH 10 0 51.365377 0.360094
DA13 0PJ 11 0 51.366404 0.361368
DA13 0PL 6 0 51.366724 0.360235