all postcodes in DA13 / GRAVESEND

find any address or company within the DA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA13 0SJ 49 0 51.329228 0.356314
DA13 0SL 18 0 51.331173 0.360247
DA13 0SN 20 0 51.329323 0.348926
DA13 0SP 43 0 51.330486 0.360857
DA13 0SQ 10 0 51.329906 0.350764
DA13 0SR 25 0 51.331768 0.361512
DA13 0SS 8 0 51.328595 0.349348
DA13 0ST 23 0 51.330107 0.353301
DA13 0SU 16 1 51.330189 0.352344
DA13 0SW 31 0 51.329695 0.348313
DA13 0SX 39 0 51.330558 0.361722
DA13 0SY 9 0 51.326542 0.343157
DA13 0SZ 9 0 51.32693 0.344454
DA13 0TA 27 0 51.330064 0.363506
DA13 0TB 27 0 51.330447 0.36588
DA13 0TD 18 4 51.330308 0.359427
DA13 0TE 12 0 51.32742 0.34557
DA13 0TF 7 0 51.327303 0.346942
DA13 0TG 22 0 51.332133 0.365694
DA13 0TH 35 0 51.340695 0.348229