all postcodes in DA14 / SIDCUP

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA14 5DJ 6 0 51.415276 0.114532
DA14 5DL 18 1 51.41493 0.113769
DA14 5DN 3 0 51.414655 0.114015
DA14 5DP 2 2 51.415507 0.115173
DA14 5DQ 6 0 51.416922 0.115471
DA14 5DT 10 6 51.414785 0.115804
DA14 5DW 1 0 51.414304 0.113064
DA14 5DY 38 0 51.415445 0.113145
DA14 5DZ 1 1 51.415432 0.116309
DA14 5ED 7 4 51.420934 0.117926
DA14 5EJ 2 0 51.431314 0.139627
DA14 5EL 9 1 51.430259 0.138775
DA14 5EP 9 0 51.428179 0.13843
DA14 5ER 34 0 51.422799 0.133076
DA14 5ES 2 1 51.430994 0.139385
DA14 5ET 1 1 51.432722 0.139321
DA14 5EU 6 2 51.429709 0.13931
DA14 5EW 56 0 51.425373 0.136921
DA14 5EX 21 8 51.428356 0.140568
DA14 5EY 5 0 51.42658 0.143235