all postcodes in DA14 / SIDCUP

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA14 6DF 24 0 51.424201 0.102804
DA14 6DG 8 0 51.423018 0.098075
DA14 6DH 1 1 51.426649 0.101161
DA14 6DJ 1 1 51.426664 0.101363
DA14 6DL 1 1 51.426625 0.101505
DA14 6DN 1 1 51.426613 0.101706
DA14 6DQ 22 0 51.423952 0.099628
DA14 6DS 37 15 51.42621 0.102131
DA14 6DW 18 9 51.42645 0.102272
DA14 6DY 3 3 51.425684 0.103318
DA14 6ED 32 17 51.426173 0.103628
DA14 6EH 25 10 51.425782 0.103912
DA14 6EJ 1 1 51.42602 0.103161
DA14 6EN 15 10 51.42544 0.104958
DA14 6EP 10 7 51.424959 0.106188
DA14 6EQ 1 1 51.425834 0.104504
DA14 6ER 13 5 51.42449 0.10673
DA14 6ES 33 13 51.424757 0.105865
DA14 6ET 25 0 51.424839 0.1043
DA14 6EZ 18 6 51.425152 0.104919